Video of Viggo Mortensen honoring Dennis Hopper at his Hollywood Star on the Walk of Fame ceremony.

Video of Viggo Mortensen honoring Dennis Hopper at his Hollywood Star on the Walk of Fame ceremony.
Check the Biography Channel for an episode of Famous featuring Viggo Mortensen, or watch it on YouTube.
Appaloosa, starring Viggo Mortensen, Ed Harris, Jeremy Irons and Reneé Zellweger, is coming soon! Watch the trailer and let us know what you think.
Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune interviews Viggo Mortensen about the nature of the violence in Eastern Promises.
In case you missed Viggo Mortensen’s silliness on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, catch the video on The Daily Show site. If for some reason it is inaccessible, you can find an archive on the SOTBK History of Violence page.
In case you missed Viggo Mortensen’s appearance on Charlie Rose, catch a video of his political comments at Crooks and Liars. A few quotes. “I think if [the people of Iraq] are left to take care of their own affairs, I think they’ll do better in the long run.” When asked if he thought the […]
Some folks have reported problems downloading the Cannes Film Festival video clips, and I was unable to download the WMV files myself. So I have posted the RealMedia files for the press conference, interview/photo call, red carpet arrival and trailer on our A History of Violence page. If you know of another source for the […]
Just checking error logs and discovered that the links were broken in the Christopher Walken Prophecy video clips. They’re fixed now – please do contact me if you see anything broken on the site.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve added video clips of Viggo Mortensen in Albino Alligator, Prison, Young Americans, and most recently The Prophecy, plus screen captures for Prison and Young Americans.
We’ve added a Viggo Mortensen Audio/Video Clips page to make it easier for you to find all the clips that are scattered around the site.