1. Viggo Mortensen & Mahershala Ali in Green Book

    Driving Mr. Shirley

    The reviewer acknowledges that Green Book's "charms are not insignificant," but criticizes it as a "race-themed feel-good movie" where the viewer is "stuck watching a white man make his first black friend." She wants to see more of Dr. Shirley, saying, "We’re too often forced to look at Donald through Tony’s eyes, rather than learn more about him on our own." She concludes that the film is not realistic about racism: "Friendships between people of different races can bring more joy to the world, but they alone won’t put an end to racism. You can certainly enjoy this heartwarming tale about Tony and Donald as an isolated event, even if it centers on a prejudiced white man granting humanity to an exceptional black man who, by his own admission, shares little in common with his fellow black Americans. But there’s something unseemly about singling out this story, about the seemingly narrow scope of racism and how easily it can be undone. Green Book decries those cultural pockets designed to make white people feel good, often at people of color’s expense. But that’s about all it does, too. "
  2. Viggo Mortensen & Mahershala Ali in Green Book

    ‘Green Book’ Review: Odd-Couple Dramedy Is Timely Feel-Good Movie

    Peter Travers gives high marks to the Green Book director and cast: "Ali, a Best Supporting Actor Oscar winner for Moonlight, is superb at finding the buried rage in a refined artist challenging fellow Americans who never accepted the abolition of slavery.... The role is a game-changer for [Mortensen], whose dramatic chops are a given but proves he’s got a real flair for comedy that feels revelatory. He and Ali could take their own double act on the road." The reviewer concludes that "in a time when our nation is more divided than ever, the movie offers the possibility of redemption. Thanks to the dream team of Mortensen and Ali, audiences will be cheering."